Pix from : http://hautenessmagazine.com
Have you ever checked how many handbag, clutches, tots or whatever we call women's bag that you have? I have not.. But I'm sure I have many of them. Some i keep in a box in the store which make me a hoarders.
hah.. nak citer pasal handbag ni.. bukan aje pompuan , lelaki pun sama ..
today in blogspot rizalman http://rizalmanibrahim.blogspot.com/2011/04/mari-belajar-mengira.html banyak betul collection bag dia... abg rizalmannn (cheh2.. tiba2 lak jadi abang.. ) mintak satu!
Girls, Kakak, Makcik.. sila tengok koleksi handbag anda.. yang tak pakai tu silalah dermakan ke bdn kebajikan utk jualan amal yer..
tu baru handbag, belum kasut, tudung lagi... (PENGSAN...)
banyaknyer bag Rizalman