Sapa follow American Idol? I did...But sadly not American Idol 9 coz masa tu tak ada contestant yg betul2 unique... After Season 9, i thought I'll not be following the next AI season anymore.
BUT i'm wrong..So what's the different in Season 10? haha.. this time ada JLO and her booty.. haha ..just kidding.. she's not the contestant though she's the judge tau... but who care.. love the fashion she brings on every night show. sungguh cantik..
Ada jugak la time yg dia dressing tu tak menjadi...or terover.. tp orgnya masih cantik..

She looks slimmer , not skinny like Angelina Jolie. w'pun bini Brad Pitt ni cantik jugak tapi tak secantik JLO.. maybe her makeup.. but her skin looks very the glowing. giler serius cantik.. baju pun cantik.. rambut pun cantik..but not till the stage to clamouring her makeuplah..aku tau diriku siapa.. makeup mahal2 pun tak cantik jugak.. hehe.. I bet naturally pun cantik jugak minah ni. BODY DIA PUN CANTIK.. wpun B****T dia besar..tp cantik . giler exercise minah ni.. Tapi cantik tu semua dtg dr sapa? YANG MAHA ESA.. so ..bersyukurlah dgn apa yg kita ada ye..
Nak tempel gmabar dia on every AI show.. tp malas.. tp serius cantik.. hehe..lasst night Top 5 performing pun cantik giler. Tonight JLO nak perform.. mari kita lihat.. yg pasti SEXY..
Thought: Scotty kalau menang OK jugak.. w/pun nampak gaya mcm si rocker tu je akan menang..
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