Suka site ni.. it's a encyclopedia related to all food term.
Selamat belajar memasak!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Top 5 Sexiest TV Bad Boys (Her World's Magazine Pick)
Check this out :

I know... I know.. you want to say Johnny Depp as much as I do.. but he's not in the list though..
If I were to choose from the list.. it must be Josh Holloway (Sawyer in 'Lost') and 2nd place is Ed Westwick (Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl. Why Sawyer? Do I need to explain? Arggh.. buang karan aje.. But it's obviously not becoz of the XXX scene of him with Kate in the cage yo.. the scene is censored in Malaysia. And Chuck in Gossip Girl I agree with the comment in HW, he doesn't need to speak and look evil just like Edward in Twilight.. he just need to 'whisper in a low growl' and make your knee week.. haha..
Thought: A bad blog post on Friday.. Happy Jumaat y'all.

I know... I know.. you want to say Johnny Depp as much as I do.. but he's not in the list though..
If I were to choose from the list.. it must be Josh Holloway (Sawyer in 'Lost') and 2nd place is Ed Westwick (Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl. Why Sawyer? Do I need to explain? Arggh.. buang karan aje.. But it's obviously not becoz of the XXX scene of him with Kate in the cage yo.. the scene is censored in Malaysia. And Chuck in Gossip Girl I agree with the comment in HW, he doesn't need to speak and look evil just like Edward in Twilight.. he just need to 'whisper in a low growl' and make your knee week.. haha..
Thought: A bad blog post on Friday.. Happy Jumaat y'all.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Movie of the Week - Nur Kasih
Sapa dah tengok? Cuba bg review skit. Tuan punye blog tak la minat sangat dgn Nur Kasih tu..w/pun masa kat tv series dulu terpacak depan tv..rasa mcm nak jadi boypren si Adam tu...Lagi satu I have a confession to make.. tak suka tengok citer sedih kat wayang.. sebb makcik suka nangis... nnt kuar wayang org ejek ...haha.. baik tgk citer hantu ke, action ke, comedy ke.. citer2 sedih ni.. tgk sorg2 dvd dlm bilik.. baru boleh nangis puas2...
mari kita layan lagu Nur kasih baru ni..
Thought: Tizz ni elok main watak2 gini..
mari kita layan lagu Nur kasih baru ni..
Thought: Tizz ni elok main watak2 gini..
Thursday, May 19, 2011
How much calories are burnt when you do your shopping?

Interesting huh? I can burn more calories when spending more time with my shopping.. the bad thing is meaning is also bad for your pocket.
Normally if I go for intentional shopping, it will be half a day.. until 'tak larat nak jalan or duti habis'..or maybe not half day lah.. let say average 3 hours lah... so from the counter i'll burn 330 calories.. that only equivalent to how much calories in a plate of rice or one burger???
So gals if you need to burn the calories do other activities ya.. like swimming,etc. check out this calory burn counter ... pretty interesting..
Source: Fitness Magazine.
picture from googled.
Thought: Hmmm it's been quite some time now.. wink' wink' let go shopping.. and burn the calories.
Monday, May 9, 2011
If you're stranded on an island (maybe indefinitely), what's the one book you will want to have for company?

from a MPH click survey (!/mphclick ) menarik survey ni...
obviously not buku resipi..dah la stranded kat pulau yg tak tentu ada mknn .. yg ada buku resipi plak.. tentu mencabar jiwa...
buku cinta - juga tidak.. sudah tentu akan menambah lagi kesedihan nak balik ke darat..
buku teks/ilmiah - oh tidak..buat kusut kepala je.. bukan nak amik peksa pun...
buku biography - depend la biography siapa.. apa kejadahnyer nak baca buku buku gini time2 stranded kat island kan..
buku Al-Quran - memang elok la kalau ada buku ni time kita keseorangan tapi paling best kalau ada buku ni..buku apa lagi buku survival lah..'Survive on a desert island'
Thursday, May 5, 2011
American Idol - Season 10

Sapa follow American Idol? I did...But sadly not American Idol 9 coz masa tu tak ada contestant yg betul2 unique... After Season 9, i thought I'll not be following the next AI season anymore.
BUT i'm wrong..So what's the different in Season 10? haha.. this time ada JLO and her booty.. haha ..just kidding.. she's not the contestant though she's the judge tau... but who care.. love the fashion she brings on every night show. sungguh cantik..
Ada jugak la time yg dia dressing tu tak menjadi...or terover.. tp orgnya masih cantik..

She looks slimmer , not skinny like Angelina Jolie. w'pun bini Brad Pitt ni cantik jugak tapi tak secantik JLO.. maybe her makeup.. but her skin looks very the glowing. giler serius cantik.. baju pun cantik.. rambut pun cantik..but not till the stage to clamouring her makeuplah..aku tau diriku siapa.. makeup mahal2 pun tak cantik jugak.. hehe.. I bet naturally pun cantik jugak minah ni. BODY DIA PUN CANTIK.. wpun B****T dia cantik . giler exercise minah ni.. Tapi cantik tu semua dtg dr sapa? YANG MAHA ESA.. so ..bersyukurlah dgn apa yg kita ada ye..
Nak tempel gmabar dia on every AI show.. tp malas.. tp serius cantik.. hehe..lasst night Top 5 performing pun cantik giler. Tonight JLO nak perform.. mari kita lihat.. yg pasti SEXY..
Thought: Scotty kalau menang OK jugak.. w/pun nampak gaya mcm si rocker tu je akan menang..
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Outdoor Garage Sale - 7th May 2011 (Puchong)

Untuk kaki2 camping..kaki outdoor..kaki sukan.. ada garage sale brg2 outdoor ni.. byk brg2 baru dan second
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